Friday, July 24, 2009


The steeple at the church in Cumbaya (near Quito), the site of our first concert
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monument middle of the earth

The inscription on the monument at the equator (the middle of the earth)
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Smack dab on the equator (in front of the monument)
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The only inhabited volcanic crater in Ecuador (near the middle of the earth)
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Compania de Jesus

The main altar of the Church of the Society of Jesus (Quito), site of our second concert. This one was sponsored by the Sucre National Theater & televised.
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Sofia, the daughter of one of the staff people at the Hacienda of the Society of Jesus in Cayambe. They provided us with a lovely repast in this home from the early 1900's.
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Andean music

In Otavalo, we visited the home of a family who makes & plays traditional Andean instruments. The three girls in this photo also danced for us.
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